Performing tests on the NSX-T Overlay Networking

Reading Time: 6 minutes

Performing tests on the NSX-T Overlay Networking is an article that shows how to perform some tests to validate the correct communication on the NSX-T Overlay Networking.

Firstly, we have written an article explaining an Introduction to NSX-T:
Introduction to NSX-T – DPC Virtual Tips

Let’s talk a bit about the NSX-T Architecture

So, first things first, let’s talk about the NSX-T Architecture. Basically, inside its architecture, we have some “layers” or “planes”. We will share a brief introduction of each one:

  • Management Plane: The NSX-T management plane is designed from the ground up with advanced clustering technology, which allows the platform to process large-scale concurrent API requests. However, here is the management point for all NSX administrative tasks. In this plane, for example, we have the NSX Management Cluster.

  • Control Plane: The NSX-T control plane keeps track of the real-time virtual networking and security state of the system. NSX-T control separates the control plane into a central clustering control plane (CCP) and a local control plane (LCP). This simplifies the job of the CCP significantly and enables the platform to extend and scale for heterogeneous endpoints.

  • Data Plane: The NSX-T data plane introduces a host switch (rather than relying on the vSwitch), which decouples it from the compute manager and normalizes networking connectivity. All create, read, update, and delete operations are performed via the NSX-T Manager. In this plane, we have the Hosts ESXi or KVM and Edge Transport Nodes, for example.

As we showed, the Data Plane is the place where we have the Host Transport Node Devices (ESXi, for example) and the Edge Transport Node Devices (Edge-VM, for example):

  • Host Transport Node: Responsible for being the “forwarding plane” for VM traffic. Can be, for example, an ESXi host or a KVM host.

  • Edge Transport Node: Responsible for “hosting” Tier-0 and Tier-1 gateways and related Network and Security Services.

Let’s Look Inside an Edge-VM

In the below picture, we can see a diagram showing the details of the Edge-VM.

As we can see, the Edge-VM has some interfaces, and all interfaces are connected to an internal N-VDS. Basically:

  • mgmt interface: Each Edge- VM has a management interface just for management traffic;
  • fp-ethX interfaces: Each Edge-VM can have one or more fp (Fast-Path) interfaces. This interface is used to provide communication on the Overlay Network (GENEVE protocol). We can consider that this interface is the TEP – Tunnel EndPoint Interface.

Additionally, these interfaces can be connected to a vSphere Standard Switch or can be connected to a vSphere Distributed Switch, as we can see in the below picture:

As we commented before, the Edge-VM is responsible for hosting the Tier-0 and/or the Tier-1 gateway:

  • Tier-0 gateway: This gateway provides “North-South” connectivity. In a single-tier topology, the Tier-0 gateway also provides “East-West” connectivity;

  • Tier-1 gateway: This gateway provides “East-West” connectivity.

About the traffic direction:

  • North-South: When we talk about the “North-South” traffic, we are talking about the traffic between the virtual environment with the physical environment. In this context, the traffic between the NSX-T environment with the physical network or with the outside environment to the NSX-T.

  • East-West: This traffic refers to the traffic between VMs inside the NSX-T environment. For example, when one VM needs to communicate with another VM using the NSX-T environment, this traffic can be considered “East-West” traffic.

TEP Interface

Each Transport Node Device on the NSX-T architecture has an interface called the TEP interface (Tunnel EndPoint Interface).

This interface is dedicated to each device communicating with each other on the Overlay network. So, based on it, each Host (ESXi, for example) and each Edge-VM has a TEP interface. If we have problems on this network, certainly we have problems with the workload running inside the NSX-T environment.

We will show some steps for testing the communication on this network.

Because of that, it’s very important to know if each Transport Node Device can reach the other on this Overlay Network!

Testing the Overlay Networking from the ESXi host

In this example, we will perform these tests from an ESXi host present on the cluster – This ESXi host, of course, was prepared to be part of the NSX-T architecture:

1) Accessing the ESXi host by SSH and Listing the VMkernel interfaces:

esxcfg-vmknic -l


[root@vhost01:~] esxcfg-vmknic -l
Interface  Port Group/DVPort/Opaque Network        IP Family IP Address                              Netmask         Broadcast       MAC Address       MTU     TSO MSS   Enabled Type                NetStack            
vmk0       2                                       IPv4                 00:0c:29:39:e1:6d 1500    65535     true    STATIC              defaultTcpipStack   
vmk1       26                                      IPv4                 00:50:56:6c:54:a6 1500    65535     true    STATIC              defaultTcpipStack   
vmk3       42                                      IPv4                 00:50:56:6c:fd:90 1500    65535     true    STATIC              defaultTcpipStack   
vmk4       50                                      IPv4                00:50:56:65:c5:6b 1500    65535     true    STATIC              defaultTcpipStack   
vmk10      5d032e0a-7ca3-417e-8c72-c2e8f4973ed3    IPv4                  00:50:56:61:b0:49 1700    65535     true    STATIC              vxlan               
vmk50      60f9d0dd-740e-43da-b39f-c1190adbbc49    IPv4                    00:50:56:61:ce:2d 1700    65535     true    STATIC              hyperbus            
vmk2       34                                      IPv4                 00:50:56:6a:12:bf 1700    65535     true    STATIC              vmotion      

Here, we can apply a filter just to filter the VMkernel interface that has the type “vxlan”:

esxcfg-vmknic -l | grep vxlan


[root@vhost01:~] esxcfg-vmknic -l | grep vxlan
vmk10      5d032e0a-7ca3-417e-8c72-c2e8f4973ed3    IPv4                  00:50:56:61:b0:49 1700    65535     true    STATIC              vxlan    

2) Starting ping test from the ESXi host to another device in the Overlay network:

vmkping -S vxlan -s 1572 -d -c 5

-S vxlan –> We need to specify the vxlan stack to perform the test –> Target TEP IP
-s 1572 –> Size of the MTU (Size of the Packet)
-d –> Sending the packet without fragmentation
-c 5 –> Number of the packets that will be sent


[root@vhost01:~] vmkping -S vxlan -s 1572 -d -c 5
PING ( 1572 data bytes
1580 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=4.757 ms
1580 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.810 ms
1580 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.570 ms
1580 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.558 ms
1580 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.627 ms

--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max = 0.558/1.464/4.757 ms

In this example, we can see above that the ping test has been executed successfully.
You can change the target TEP IP for another TEP device just to test the communication with this device through the NSX-T Overlay Network.

Testing the Overlay Networking from the Edge-VM

In this example, we will perform these tests from an Edge-VM deployed on our lab environment:

1) Accessing the Edge-VM by SSH (with admin user) and Listing the Logical Routing running on this Edge-VM:

get logical-router


edge-01> get logical-router
Tue Oct 17 2023 UTC 15:33:31.803
Logical Router
UUID                                   VRF    LR-ID  Name                              Type                        Ports   Neighbors      
736a80e3-23f6-5a2d-81d6-bbefb2786666   0      0                                        TUNNEL                      3       2/5000         
a717c250-ec04-4ee2-bae8-002206706a23   1      1025   SR-t1-gw-prd                      SERVICE_ROUTER_TIER1        5       2/50000        
7a1279af-f686-48af-9969-089d38549dd3   2      2063   SR-t0-gw                          SERVICE_ROUTER_TIER0        5       3/50000        
e6c82381-78e7-44f4-bbc1-56b0e416cf8a   4      1      DR-t1-gw-prd                      DISTRIBUTED_ROUTER_TIER1    6       0/50000        
5c92f7a6-2a74-48a6-bb21-8da1be513813   5      11     DR-t0-gw                          DISTRIBUTED_ROUTER_TIER0    6       0/50000        
2cc41bf1-91d8-4f7b-9349-ce62cbe1070a   6      1026   SR-t1-gw-devqa                    SERVICE_ROUTER_TIER1        5       2/50000        
cc39cfdc-624c-438d-a038-c0adac11866b   7      2      DR-t1-gw-devqa                    DISTRIBUTED_ROUTER_TIER1    6       0/50000

2) In this case, we need to identify what is the VRF ID for the TUNNEL Logical Router.
In this example, the VRF ID 0 is being used for the TUNNEL Logical Router;

3) Using the TUNNEL UUID, we can see details of the forwarding table:

get logical-router 736a80e3-23f6-5a2d-81d6-bbefb2786666 forwarding

Note: In this example, the “736a80e3-23f6-5a2d-81d6-bbefb2786666” is the UUID of the TUNNEL Logical Router.


edge-01> get logical-router 736a80e3-23f6-5a2d-81d6-bbefb2786666 forwarding
Tue Oct 17 2023 UTC 15:36:09.633
Logical Router
UUID                                   VRF    LR-ID  Name                              Type                       
736a80e3-23f6-5a2d-81d6-bbefb2786666   0      0                                        TUNNEL                     
IPv4 Forwarding Table
IP Prefix          Gateway IP                                Type        UUID                                   Gateway MAC                                             route       fd27da66-d2e4-5eb7-b320-3e647fd1beca                                                        route       8f6a05bd-e029-5be4-ac5f-d5a9f5823ca0

In this example, the IP is the IP address of the TEP interface for the Edge-VM.

4) Additionally, we can see what neighbors the TUNNEL Logical Router has:

get logical-router 736a80e3-23f6-5a2d-81d6-bbefb2786666 neighbor


edge-01> get logical-router 736a80e3-23f6-5a2d-81d6-bbefb2786666 neighbor
Tue Oct 17 2023 UTC 15:37:38.177
Logical Router
UUID        : 736a80e3-23f6-5a2d-81d6-bbefb2786666
VRF         : 0
LR-ID       : 0
Name        : 
Type        : TUNNEL
    Interface   : fd27da66-d2e4-5eb7-b320-3e647fd1beca
    IP          :
    MAC         : 00:50:56:67:d8:2d
    State       : reach
    Timeout     : 811

    Interface   : fd27da66-d2e4-5eb7-b320-3e647fd1beca
    IP          :
    MAC         : 00:50:56:a0:f0:07
    State       : reach
    Timeout     : 343

In this example, the TUNNEL Logical Router has two neighbors (IPs and

5) To perform a ping test from the TEP interface, we can do it according to the below command:

ping source vrfid 0 size 1572 dfbit enable repeat 5

Where: –> Target TEP IP –> Source TEP IP
vrfid 0 –> VRF ID of the TUNNEL Logical Router
size 1572 –> Size of the MTU (Size of the Packet)
dfbit enable –> Sending the packet without fragmentation
repeat 5 –> Number of packets that will be sent


edge-01> ping source vrfid 0 size 1572 dfbit enable repeat 5
PING ( from 1572 data bytes
1580 bytes from icmp_seq=0 ttl=64 time=1.170 ms
1580 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=1.833 ms
1580 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=2.421 ms
1580 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=1.510 ms
1580 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=1.994 ms

--- ping statistics ---
5 packets transmitted, 5 packets received, 0.0% packet loss
round-trip min/avg/max/stddev = 1.170/1.786/2.421/0.425 ms

In this example, we can see above that the ping test has been executed successfully.
You can change the target TEP IP for another TEP device just to test the communication with this device through the NSX-T Overlay Network.