Renaning the SDC through CLI

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Renaming the SDC through CLI shows how to change the SDC hostname to a friendly name using the PowerFlex command line.

I used the PowerFlex 4.5 CLI Reference Guide. If you want to check this guide, click here!

1- In this case, we have added both SDCs and the Name is “N/A.” So, based on it, we want to change it to a friendly name.

The first SDC has the IPs “,“:

scli --query_all_sdc | grep -i -A4 ","

SDC ID: 997fd4f300000010 Name: N/A IPs:, State: Connected GUID: 49D88B62-5237-4EF8-97E4-75B0CFD31A42  OS Type: ESX Loaded Version: 4.5.0 Installed Version: 4.5.0
    Agent status: disabled MDM IP addresses: stale Reboot safe: no
    Reads:  0 IOPS 0 Bytes per second
    Writes: 0 IOPS 0 Bytes per second

The second SDC has the IPs “,“:

scli --query_all_sdc | grep -i -A3 ","

SDC ID: 997fd4f400000011 Name: N/A IPs:, State: Connected GUID: C6BADE3A-75CC-42DA-9678-EE7FA5B8A353  OS Type: ESX Loaded Version: 4.5.0 Installed Version: 4.5.0
    Agent status: disabled MDM IP addresses: stale Reboot safe: no
    Reads:  0 IOPS 0 Bytes per second
    Writes: 0 IOPS 0 Bytes per second

2- Changing the name for each one:, –> ESXI06, –> ESXI07

To change each name, we are using the GUID, as we can see in the following block command:

scli --rename_sdc --sdc_guid 49D88B62-5237-4EF8-97E4-75B0CFD31A42 --new_name ESXI06

scli --rename_sdc --sdc_guid C6BADE3A-75CC-42DA-9678-EE7FA5B8A353 --new_name ESXI07

3- Afterward, checking the name:

scli --query_all_sdc | grep -i -A3 ","
SDC ID: 997fd4f300000010 Name: ESXI06 IPs:, State: Connected GUID: 49D88B62-5237-4EF8-97E4-75B0CFD31A42  OS Type: ESX Loaded Version: 4.5.0 Installed Version: 4.5.0
    Agent status: disabled MDM IP addresses: stale Reboot safe: no
    Reads:  0 IOPS 0 Bytes per second
    Writes: 0 IOPS 0 Bytes per second

scli --query_all_sdc | grep -i -A3 ","
SDC ID: 997fd4f400000011 Name: ESXI07 IPs:, State: Connected GUID: C6BADE3A-75CC-42DA-9678-EE7FA5B8A353  OS Type: ESX Loaded Version: 4.5.0 Installed Version: 4.5.0
    Agent status: disabled MDM IP addresses: stale Reboot safe: no
    Reads:  0 IOPS 0 Bytes per second
    Writes: 0 IOPS 0 Bytes per second

That’s it 🙂