How to Switch the MDM Cluster Mode

Reading Time: 3 minutes

How to Switch the MDM Cluster Mode shows how to switch from a 3_node PowerFlex MDM cluster to a 5_node MDM cluster.

We are running the PowerFlex 4.5.2!

Currently, our MDM cluster has three nodes, as we can see below:

scli --query_cluster

Our goal here is to add two more nodes: pfmp-sds-04 and pfmp-sds-05.

Both nodes (pfmp-sds-04 and pfmp-sds-05) already have the necessary rpm packages installed:

pfmp-sds-04:~ # rpm -qa | grep -i EMC

pfmp-sds-05:~ # rpm -qa | grep -i EMC

Adding Standby MDM Nodes

Since our MDM cluster is a three-node cluster (3_node), we need to add both additional MDM nodes first.

The following command will add the node “pfmp-sds-04” with the “manager” role. The node will be added as a standby node but with the “manager” role:

scli --add_standby_mdm --new_mdm_ip, --mdm_role manager --new_mdm_management_ip --new_mdm_virtual_ip_interface eth1,eth2

After executing the command, we had an error:

“Error: MDM failed command. Status: MDM role is not a Secondary but a Tie-Breaker”

In this case, the error means that the MDM node cannot be a manager (Secondary) node.
So, to fix this error, we need to access the node to be added (pfmp-sds-04) and execute the following steps:

1. Edit the file “/opt/emc/scaleio/mdm/cfg/conf.txt” and change the following line:



2. Delete and recreate the MDM service:


3. Check the MDM service status – it must be running:

systemctl status mdm

Afterward, try to add the manager node again:

scli --add_standby_mdm --new_mdm_ip, --mdm_role manager --new_mdm_management_ip --new_mdm_virtual_ip_interface eth1,eth2 --new_mdm_name pfmp-sds-04 --force_clean --i_am_sure

As shown, the node has been added successfully with the manager role:

Checking the cluster, we can now see the added node in the Standby MDM section:

scli --query_cluster

The next node will be added with the “Tie-Breaker” role:

scli --add_standby_mdm --new_mdm_ip, --mdm_role tb --new_mdm_management_ip --new_mdm_name pfmp-sds-05 --force_clean --i_am_sure

Switching the MDM Cluster Node to 5_node

To switch our MDM cluster from 3_node to 5_node, we can use the following command:

scli --switch_cluster_mode --cluster_mode 5_node --add_secondary_mdm_name pfmp-sds-04 --add_tb_name pfmp-sds-05

As shown, the switchover process has been executed successfully. Now, our MDM cluster is a five-node cluster:

This change cannot be replicated in the PowerFlex Manager UI immediately. On the Resources page, we continue to see a three-node cluster:

To fix it immediately, we can run the inventory for the PowerFlex System resource, as we can see in the following pictures:

That’s it 🙂